Monday, October 17, 2011

Smokey goodness!

Tonight, I tried another recipe from my friend's blog... this time, a Lentil & Red Pepper Soup. I've never cooked with smoked paprika before... WOW! What an amazing flavor! And it made the sauteed onions, garlic & peppers a beautiful color too!

Once again, I halved the amount of oil needed to saute, which meant the entire recipe came out at only 11 points. I had two big bowls, at only 4 points total!

Bonus: my 2 year old loved this too, although I did use the immersion blender on his before serving it to him (he's going through a "no-lumps" phase).

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the world of smoked paprika! I swear, it is a miracle spice. :)
