Monday, October 10, 2011

Feijoas, Feijoas, Feijoas!!!

I was out for a walk on Saturday when I saw a guy tipping buckets of feijoas (aka pineapple guavas, for my American readers) onto his greenwaste pile on the side of the road.

Me: "You know you can eat them, right?"
Him: "Yeah, I know. But have you seen the size of our tree... we're sick of them! Help yourself if you want some."
Me: "Oh, I LOVE feijoas... don't mind if I do!"
Him: "Feel free to knock on our door next week too, we'll have bucketloads more by then".
Me: "Awesome, thanks!"

So now I have a HUGE bowl of feijoas sitting on my kitchen counter, which I can smell every time I walk past them. Needless to say, I've eaten quite a few. Luckily, feijoas (and most fruit) are pretty low on the points scale (1pt for 1 cup of flesh, which is about 8 medium feijoas). I also made some fresh feijoa & apple juice... delicious! Although the juicer wasn't particularly efficient at getting the juice out of them - I think a juice press would do a better job (plus you can't juice the skins, so I had to cut & scoop & then juice... just as easy to eat the feijoas & just have apple juice!!).

Feijoas generally start to turn brown & get bitter about 3 days after falling from the tree, so I have just cut & scooped the rest of them, and blended up the flesh to put into the freezer. I found a feijoa & lime muffin recipe that I'm keen to try, and I figure we'll add the rest to our smoothies or juices (or vodka cocktails!).

Aah... a little taste of home : )

1 comment:

  1. The only other place I've ever heard of feijoas is from Bob and Leslie in San Diego -- they have a tree in their yard. She makes feijoa jam and cake and all kinds of stuff. They must produce fruit like crazy!
