History, Goal & Methods

In the 5 or so years prior to having kids, my weight generally fluctuated between 60-65kg, which is on the high side of "normal" (BMI of 22-24, where >25 is "overweight" and <19 is "underweight").

During my first pregnancy (son "S" born Sept 2009) I gained roughly 10-11kg, which is right on the lower boundary of the recommended weight gain. I was all belly. I walked out of the hospital with only a few kg to lose to get back to 63 (my "official" pre-pregnancy weight), but my aim was to get back down to 60. By 6 months post-partum, I was back down to around 62-63, but then I stopped nursing and didn't stop eating like I was nursing... and my "normal" rose back up to 65-66.

A year or so later, and I'm pregnant again (daughter "A" born July 2011). Official starting weight was 65kg. I only gained 12kg (all belly again), but walked out of the hospital having only lost 3kg (despite baby A weighing more than that herself, not to mention placenta weight, fluid/blood loss, etc!). After a week, I was down to 70, but since then (coming on 3 months now) I've been fluctuating between 68-69. I've come to the realization that the last of this baby belly isn't going anywhere, unless I make a concerted effort. Which brings me to this.

My goal:
- get down to 60kg and to stay there!

My methods:
- keep a food diary (I'm a snacker, but if I have to write down what I eat then I'm more likely to snack on healthy choices)
- track weightwatchers points so I make healthy choices & don't overeat
- light to moderate exercise
- accountability (hence this blog!)

- I'm nursing Baby A and plan to do so for 6-12 months. So my food intake needs to reflect the higher energy needs I have due to this, and I can't go too hardcore on exercise or my milk supply will suffer (or will taste bad due to the lactic acid content).

Wish me luck... I'll weigh-in at least weekly, and will try to update food diary & WW points daily or thereabouts.