Friday, January 20, 2012

Blame the baby... and the weather!

Ugh, Baby A developed a nasty sounding cough on Tuesday (doesn't seem to bother her though), and big brother S had some green snot.  The Y's daycare pointed these out to me on Tuesday, so I thought I'd better keep the kids away for a few days. So no aquafit for me (although my skin is enjoying the break from the chlorine!)

I managed to get a great walk in on Wednesday (despite waking with a migraine that morning - yay for hubby who stayed home & watched the kids while I slept it off), and a couple of short walks on Thurs & Fri. (despite some icky weather... looks like winter is FINALLY here!).

I haven't been eating particularly well though... I think I'm going to have to make a drastic resolution to STOP buying coffees. Not only will it save me calories, but also a ton of money. I can still get my caffeine fix at home (yay for our espresso machine!!), but I figure if I make it, then at least I'm burning a few more calories right? Although then I won't walk to the coffee shop...  aah, dilemmas! Still, I gotta stop drinking the calories... it's such a bad habit.

RESOLUTION:  From now on, I'm only allowed to buy coffee if I'm meeting someone at a cafe & sitting there to drink it.  No more walking & drinking!

Ooh, which brings me to another problem - walking & eating (or standing and eating).  I really need to start sitting down to eat - to make me more aware of what I'm eating, and to stop the constant snacking on the go.  I'm trying to instigate a more rigid snack/meal schedule for S in line with the Ellyn Satter Division of Responsibility school of thought.  So it makes sense for me to only eat at these times too, right?

I've often said that if I just ate what I serve S, then I'd have no problem losing or maintaining my weight - but it's all the "extras" that sneak in between meals that are killing me. Easier said than done, but I'm gonna try!

RESOLUTION:  I'm allowed to eat as much as I want, but it can only be at our set meal/snack times and can only be food that I also serve to S (whether or not he eats it is a WHOLE other story).

Wish me luck...


  1. Ahh, the "extras" kill me, too. I am on such a binge-fest right now. When Nora was nursing more, and I was running more, it wasn't such a big deal, but now that we're cutting sessions and I'm not training for anything, I can tell my jeans are fitting tighter. :/ I think I like your idea of sitting down to eat!

  2. Uh huh... it's the old "stopped nursing but didn't stop snacking" weight gain! Happened to me BAD with Stu. Just gotta break the habit... they say it takes 2 weeks, right?
